
Grab Your FREE step-by-step
Resume Writing Worksheet Now!

I'll show you how to write an eye-catching resume that will help it stand out from the rest of the stack!

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    Not sure what to include on your resume to really make it pop? Looking for a step-by-step guide to help you write an effective resume that will catch the recruiter's attention?

    Well, you've come to the right place! My "Resume Writing Made Easy" worksheet will take you through each part of the resume writing process.

    A resume is one of the most important parts of finding a job, and many people don't know the foundations of what makes an effective resume.

    As a recruiter and hiring manager myself, I've seen my fair share of resumes - and some of them were just painful to read!

    Some resumes were written like a novel, jam-packed with long sentences and huge paragraphs, trying to fit every bit of experience or every piece of education they had.

    Some resumes looked like cookie-cutter versions of each other, having the same general items and lacked anything that was unique to them.

    And some were just plain eye sores: poor formatting, unorganized content, and overflowing into multiple pages.

    Recruiters have dozens, if not hundreds, of resumes to look at for any given position. They'll only spends several seconds to decide whether or not they want to read more.

    If the resume is too long-winded and doesn't get to the point? They move on.

    If the resume is too general and not specific to the job or the company? It's moved to the NO pile.

    If the resume is hard to read and unorganized? Better luck next time.

    "So what do I need to put in my resume to make it stand out?"

    I'm so glad you asked!

    I've created an easy to follow, step-by-step worksheet that takes the guesswork out of the resume writing process.

    I'll show you exactly what you need to include in your resume AND I'll guide you through how to write it.

    Just follow the prompts and questions and you'll be able to build a resume that's catches the recruiter's attention!


    The resume is your first impression with the recruiter or the hiring manager, and it can be a good long-lasting impression if you write it well.

    Let me show you how to make your education and experience shine through!

    Don't let all that hard work and dedication get put into the NO pile!

    Download my FREE step-by-step worksheet now and get started on writing a resume that's going to get you that job!

    Grab Your FREE step-by-step
    Resume Writing Worksheet Now!

    I'll show you how to write an eye-catching resume that will help it stand out from the rest of the stack!

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